Last Days Prophecy
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Satanic Foundation
Many Christians knowingly participate in churches that are departing from TRUE Biblical doctrine. They try to stay "positive" about all the "good" things which that church is doing. BUT . . . remember Paul's words: 1 Cor.5:6-7 Your glorying is not good. Know ye not that a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump? 7 Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us: (KJV) . . . A VERY small amount of false doctrine, OR abandoning TRUE doctrine, can ruin a church . . . and YOU! Now is the time for all TRUE Christians to stand up for the Truth of Jesus Christ.
Knowing Scripture is extremely important! You need to begin a daily Bible reading and study of God's Holy Word. Get serious about it! Your eternal soul depends on it! I think that as we move into the New World Order, TRUE Christians will be seized and Bibles removed from them. It will be a 'crime' to own a Bible. The only Scripture we will have at that point will be what we have memorized.
On the news the other day, they said that Military chaplains are NOT allowed to say the Name of Jesus! What is wrong with our government? It seems that with each passing day, they are more committed to Satan. The Name of JESUS is the only Name that some of these soldiers need to hear! If the Muslims do not want to hear Jesus' Name, they should simply stay away from "Christian" chaplains! If a "Christian" chaplain submits to this ridiculous government command, and do not use the Name of CHRIST, he is NOT a "Christian." May God help him!
Matthew 15:9 But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. (KJV) . . . This verse applies to false teachers, but I think it deserves a place here. IF a chaplain, pastor or teacher does not teach the TRUTHS of the Bible . . . CHRIST JESUS . . . and submits to "commandments of men" (government rules), which forbids them to name the Name of Jesus, they are a false teacher in my book. They are NOT doing anyone any good at all spiritually! And friend, that is what we must do in this earthly life . . . get ready for eternity . . . spiritually!
Daily prayer is an absolute necessity. Create a prayer list so you can pray for all those people and things in your life which need to be carried before the Lord. Many great things can be accomplished through humble prayer.
Satanic Foundation
America vs Nazi Germany
As In the Days Of Noah
Bible Prophecies of NWO
Completely Against God
Drug Legalization
Forcing Transgenderism
Joy In Troubled Times
Looking Ahead To What's Coming!
NWO Well On Its way
Pace Quickens
??Rewriting OT Laws??
Satan Very Busy
??UFO Invasion??
What Shall Come?
When Will The Antichrist Appear?
Who Controls WhatYou Buy and Sell
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