Last Days Prophecy
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Have you ever wondered if there is truly a place called Hell? Have you ever wondered "Will I go there?" IF you don’t KNOW you are going to Heaven, then chances are, you will go to Hell.
Recently I have found false teachings about HELL on the internet. It really disturbs me. I know Satan is strong but he is also WRONG! Everybody will NOT go to Heaven. I knew I must bring forth God's never erring Word and show people what Hell is really like. There really IS a HELL. It is definitely a literal PLACE! And most of the world's population will go there UNLESS they have a change of heart.
We have six web sites, and I have many articles on the topic of Hell, on this web site and the others as well. When a person is born again spiritually into God's family, I believe we are given a gift by the Holy Spirit, and I also believe that we are given a job to do at that time. Both my husband and I were saved in a tiny country church in Arkansas, by an old Sunday school teacher who taught for over 65 years. As I look back, I honestly do not think the friendly, well liked pastor was saved, because one Sunday I asked him . . . How do I get saved? His answer was: “You just have to keep working at it.” His answer was and is WRONG!
I knew very soon what my ‘gift’ was. Teaching God’s Word. This dear old Sunday school teacher wanted to visit a friend, and asked if someone would teach Sunday school the next week. NO one offered, least of all me, a brand new babe in Christ, in that church where all were weaned on the Bible. My dear husband stood up and said: “I can’t do it. But Connie can.” I was terrified. How could an uneducated person, who knew very little about the Bible, teach a Sunday school class to people who knew the Bible inside out?
There was NO way I could have done it! It was the Holy Spirit working through me that did it! And He has been DOING it ever since. One thing that stands out in my mind about those long ago days . . . one Sunday, that dear old gentleman said something in class that surprised me . . . “I never looked at it like that.” I do not remember what the lesson was that morning, but when a babe in Christ says something to stir mature Christian, you know that the Holy Spirit was behind the words I had spoken. By the way, Mr. Moore would not take back the class.
The gift given to me was teaching the Bible, and the job given to me was and is a heavy burden for lost souls. I have little worldly education, but God the Holy Spirit has been my Teacher in the School of Truth. I often ask myself “WHY?” Why does He keep urging me onward? Why is it that the burden gets heavier with each passing day as I see all the wickedness worldwide? Why has He given me all the Evangelical poems? Why has He given me over 80 Bible Study booklets for prison inmates and whosoever? . . . . . .
For more articles on Hell, see:
Also see:
. . . HELL . . .
YES!! There IS a Literal HELL!
??Alternative Doctrines of Hell??
Are You going to Heaven?
Hell, Annnihilation vs Eternal Conscience
Hell, Baptism of the Holy Spirit
Hell, Characteristics of God
Hell, Christian Universalism
??Hell, Degrees of Punishment??
??Hell, Degrees of Punishment in Hell??
Hell, Did Jesus Descend Into Hell?
Hell, Evils of Ecumenism
Hell, God's Promises Fulfilled
Hell, God's Righteous Wrath
Hell, God keeps His Promises
Hell, God Warns Us Through Nature
??Hell, Is There Really A Hell??
Hell, It IS There!
Hell, Leaven of the Pharisees
Hell, NO Exit Doors!
Hell, Promises of Eternal Death
Hell, Promises of God's Judgment
Hell, Promises of God's Wrath
Hell, Promises of God's Wrath Fulfilled
Hell, Reassuring Promises of God
Hell, Separation of Evil From Good
Hell, Some Personal Thoughts About Hell
Hell, Some Thoughts On Hell
Hell, Ten Facts About TRUE Christians
HELL, The Bible Clearly Describes HELL!
Hell, What is the Purpose of Hell?
Hell, the Unpardonable Sin
Hell, What Hell Is NOT!
Hell, What Type of Punishment?
Hell, WHO in ther Bible Talked About Hell?
Hell, WHY Doesn't God Save Everyone From Hell?
Poems on Hell
What Happens to Souls?
What Is Hell Like?
Would God Really Send Me To Hell?
My Personal Thought About Hell
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